Cure Cancer Research and Why I am a supporter

I am really excited to let you know that I will be running the City to Surf this year with my family to raise money for CureCancer- our leading research team here in Australia. Their research is for all cancers not just one. Cancer doesn’t discriminate, nor should research!

As you all know my younger brother Greg, a NYC Fireman, died the day before his 43rd birthday from cancer from the toxicity of 9-11 a few years ago. It was wicked to watch someone so young, so proud, lover of life, a dad of twin babies leave before his time.

If everyone reading this simply clicks this link and only donates $20 this will be about $20,000 big ones. Holy Guacamole that will go along way to funding some of the brightest, inspiring, humble researchers in the world.

This blog is with the deepest gratitude.

ICMI: Vitality, Energy & Leadership - A Wellbeing Strategy Progressive Employees
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