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9 simple habits for a happy brain

9 Simple Habits For A Happy Brain

Ever wondered how to keep your brain in tip-top shape while juggling life's many demands? Well, wonder no more. These habits for a happy brain are scientifically backed practices that not only boost your mood but also enhance your cognitive abilities.

From prioritising sleep to finding meaning in everyday activities, let’s explore nine powerful habits that can transform your mental health and cognitive well-being. Ready to give your brain the TLC it deserves? Let's dive in!

Habit #1: Sleep - N…

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how to eat for health

How to Eat For Health, Energy and Lifelong Well-being

Eating isn't just about keeping the hangries at bay, it’s a cornerstone of the health, vitality, and overall joie de vivre we're all looking for. The reality is - the foods you choose to eat play a major role in your overall health and well-being.

Imagine your body as a finely-tuned sports car - you wouldn't fill up its tank with low-quality fuel and still expect it to perform as well, right?

The same principle applies to what you feed yourself. Quality nutrition translates to more energy, bet…

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effects of poor sleep

Could Good Sleep Be Your Key to Vibrant Health and Productivity?

Ever wondered why Sleeping Beauty looked so good after a hundred years of slumber? Maybe it wasn't just a fairy tale because good sleep actually can be your secret to consistent energy, good health AND epic productivity.

Forget the magic potions and endless cups of coffee - in this article, we'll explore how a good night's sleep can revitalise your daily performance and overall well-being. Let's unwrap the science behind why hitting the hay is more beneficial than hitting the gym when you're ru…

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