Vitamin D Reduces The Risk Of COVID-19 Infection

Vitamin D ! Sunshine is a an excellent source of what I believe will be one of the greatest areas of interest in COVID prevention. 120 health and medical experts from the US, UK, and Europe sent an open letter to world governments to call for immediate recommendations to increase vitamin D intake to 4000 IU per day for healthy adults.

The recommendation came because of scientific evidence that vitamin D reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death. The experts cite more than 70 studies to support this claim–including a recent randomized controlled trial.

Please do not take Vit D supplements without a blood test as it is a fat soluble vitamin and will be stored in the body if it is in excess. Come see us for your 2021 nutritional plans and we will assesses your blood pathology and bring back your wellbeing on every level!

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