Beauty Truffles

Beauty Truffles

Time: 2 hours

Makes: 20


1 cup pitted prunes, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes, then drained
1 cup fresh raspberries
2 scoops of Good Green Vitality
2 cups desiccated coconut

Chocolate coating:

3/4 cup raw cacao butter
1 cup raw cacao powder


Add the soaked prunes, raspberries, Good Green Vitality and desiccated coconut into a food processor and blend until well combined.

Take heaped tablespoon amounts of the mixture and roll into balls.

Place the balls into the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up.

Meanwhile, melt the cacao butter in a heat proof bowl. Add the cacao powder and stir until smooth.

Gently dip each ball into the chocolate and place onto a lined tray.

Place the tray into the fridge for 20 minutes before coating the balls for a second time.

Set once more in the fridge and store in an airtight container for up to one week or longer in the freezer.

This article is reproduced with permission from and was first published here.

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